Mushroom Pie

Mushroom Pie

4.8 49 valutazioni
Prep. 35min
Totale 1h 40min
6 portions


  • garlic cloves
  • oil
    ½ oz
  • fresh button mushrooms sliced, divided
    27 oz
  • mixed herbs, dried (e.g. herbes de Provence)
    ½ - 1 tsp
  • salt to taste, plus 2 pinches, divided
    ½ tsp
  • ground black pepper to taste, plus 1 pinch, divided
    ¼ tsp
  • all-purpose flour plus extra to dust
    1 ½ tbsp
  • unsalted butter
    1 oz
  • whole milk plus extra to brush
    6 ½ oz
  • puff pastry
    14 oz

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 347 kcal / 1452 kJ
Proteine 9 g
Grassi 21 g
Carboidrati 28 g
Fibre 4 g

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