White Chocolate Mousse with Aquafaba

White Chocolate Mousse with Aquafaba

4.0 6 valutazioni
Prep. 10min
Totale 3h 30min
4 portions


  • dark chocolate small pieces or callets
    50 g
  • unsalted butter
    5 g
  • tinned chickpeas
    400 g
  • salt
    1 pinch
  • whipped cream stabiliser (approx. 8 g, see tip)
    1 sachet
  • white chocolate small pieces or callets
    150 g

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 292 kcal / 1221 kJ
Proteine 3.3 g
Grassi 19 g
Carboidrati 28 g
Fibre 1.5 g
Grassi saturi 11 g
Sodio 74 mg

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