Gluten free choux puffs with Swiss meringue

Gluten free choux puffs with Swiss meringue

3.9 13 valutazioni
Prep. 20min
Totale 1h 20min
30 portions


Choux puffs
  • water
    250 g
  • salt
    1 pinch
  • salted butter cut into pieces
    120 g
  • potato starch
    70 g
  • white rice flour (see Tips)
    90 g
  • natural vanilla extract
    1 tsp
  • eggs
Swiss meringue
  • white sugar
    100 g
  • egg whites
  • lemon juice
    1 tsp
  • vanilla bean split into halves lengthways and seeds scraped
    ½ tsp
  • salt
    1 pinch
  • natural pink food colouring (optional)
    1 - 2 drops
  • pure icing sugar for dusting

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 74.3 kcal / 310.7 kJ
Proteine 1.4 g
Grassi 4 g
Carboidrati 8 g
Fibre 0.1 g
Grassi saturi 2.3 g
Sodio 50.2 mg

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