Squid Crackers, Oyster Emulsion, Frozen Cucumber

Squid Crackers, Oyster Emulsion, Frozen Cucumber

Nessuna valutazione
Prep. 1h 50min
Totale 5h 30min
14 portions


Oyster Emulsion
  • fresh oysters (weight including shells)
    400 g
  • breadcrumbs
    110 g
  • fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves only
    50 g
  • rapeseed oil
    600 g
  • fine sea salt to taste
  • lemon juice to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • cucumber peeled, deseeded
  • fine sea salt for sprinkling
Squid Crackers
  • long grain rice
    325 g
  • fish stock hot
    650 g
  • squid ink, liquid
    5 g
  • lemon juice to taste
  • fish sauce
    5 g
  • rapeseed oil for frying
  • fine sea salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • borage leaves, small, cut in half lengthways, for garnish
  • vinegar powder for garnish

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 528.2 kcal / 2210.1 kJ
Proteine 6.5 g
Grassi 44.4 g
Carboidrati 26.5 g
Fibre 0.8 g
Grassi saturi 3.5 g
Sodio 279 mg

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