Vegetable - Potato and Meat Purée

Vegetable - Potato and Meat Purée

4.3 9 valutazioni
Prep. 10min
Totale 35min
9 oz


  • potatoes cut into pieces
    2 oz
  • vegetables cut into pieces
    4 oz
  • meat, sinew free cut into pieces
    1 oz
    1 oz fish fillet, (e.g. salmon, haddock or cod)
  • water
    14 oz
  • orange juice
    2 oz
  • canola oil
    2 tsp

Valori nutritivi per 1 oz

Calorie 28.1 kcal / 117.7 kJ
Proteine 1.2 g
Grassi 1.2 g
Carboidrati 3.3 g
Fibre 0.6 g
Grassi saturi 0.1 g
Sodio 10.1 mg

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