Spiralized Scalloped Potatoes

Spiralized Scalloped Potatoes

4.0 3 valutazioni
Prep. 15min
Totale 1h 30min
6 portion


  • water to fill bowl
  • potato, waxy ends trimmed. If large, trimmed in a circular shape to fit in the blade width (see Tip)
    570 g
  • Parmesan cheese cut into pieces
    115 g
  • Gruyère cheese cut into pieces
    170 g
  • onion cut into pieces
    85 g
  • garlic cloves
  • butter, unsalted cut into pieces,
    85 g
  • all purpose white flour
    85 g
  • whole milk
    425 g
  • thyme, fresh leaves only
    1 tsp
  • salt
    1 tsp
  • white pepper, ground
    1 tsp
  • butter, unsalted to grease
    30 g

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 511.9 kcal / 2141.9 kJ
Proteine 21.5 g
Grassi 32.6 g
Carboidrati 33.8 g
Fibre 2.9 g
Grassi saturi 19.3 g
Sodio 898.1 mg

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