Pasta Salad with Trout and Vegetables

Pasta Salad with Trout and Vegetables

3.9 7 valutazioni
Prep. 20min
Totale 45min
6 portions


  • water
    36 oz
  • white wine
    7 oz
  • freshly squeezed orange juice
    3 ½ oz
  • salt
    1 ½ tsp
  • skinless trout fillets
    14 oz
    14 oz skinless salmon fillets
  • frozen green peas
    7 oz
  • fidelini (thin short dried pasta for soups) (e.g. mezze, penne rigate), 10 minutes cooking time
    8 ½ oz
  • extra virgin olive oil plus 1 tbsp
    1 oz
  • garlic clove
  • capers rinsed
    1 oz
  • pitted black olives
    3 oz
  • cherry tomatoes quartered or halved
    13 oz
  • ground black pepper (opzionale)
    1 pinch
  • lemon juice (opzionale)
    ½ oz

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 394.5 kcal / 1650.5 kJ
Proteine 21.1 g
Grassi 13.5 g
Carboidrati 41.1 g
Fibre 4.4 g
Grassi saturi 2.4 g
Sodio 846.2 mg

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