Detox Water (Flat Belly)

Detox Water (Flat Belly)

4.3 55 valutazioni
Prep. 5min
Totale 25min
6 portions


  • grapefruit flesh only, pith removed, plus extra slices, to garnish
  • orange flesh only, pith removed, plus extra slices, to garnish
  • cucumber in pieces, plus extra slices, to garnish
    6 oz
  • ginger peeled
    1 oz
  • fresh mint leaves plus extra to garnish
  • water
    50 oz
  • ice cubes (opzionale) to serve

Valori nutritivi per 1 portion

Calorie 32 kcal / 134 kJ
Proteine 1 g
Grassi 0 g
Carboidrati 8 g
Fibre 1 g
Sodio 6 mg

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